October 22

Population snapshots: the demographic challenges for China, the Philippines, Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of Congo

Population snapshots: the demographic challenges for China, the Philippines, Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of Congo

ByBryony CottamNov 25, 2022
As the world's population tops eight billion we look at demographic challenges faced by China, the Philippines, Madagascar and the Congo
Where in the world – Canyons

Where in the world – Canyons

ByGeographical StaffOct 24, 2022
Can you solve our Where In the World quick quiz for November? Just identify the location of four well-known canyons
The extraordinary world of plankton

The extraordinary world of plankton

ByGeographical StaffOct 14, 2022
Extract from Planktonia, The Nightly Migration of the Ocean's Smallest Creatures, by Erich Hoyt
Mosul’s cultural regeneration

Mosul’s cultural regeneration

ByGeographical StaffOct 11, 2022
Hadani Ditmars returns to Mosul to find out how new creative projects are aiding the City's cultural recovery
The people saving South Africa’s last penguins

The people saving South Africa’s last penguins

ByTommy TrenchardOct 7, 2022
Tommy Trenchard spends time with the conservationists working hard to protect South Africa's last penguins from extinction
Restoring Welsh forests could help forge a new national identity

Restoring Welsh forests could help forge a new national identity

ByGeographical StaffOct 6, 2022
Matthew Yeomans reflects on the National Forest for Wales initiative and whether it can help to reconnect Welsh communities
How trophy hunting is supporting conservation in Tajikistan

How trophy hunting is supporting conservation in Tajikistan

In Tajikistan, a conservation model funded by trophy hunting has led to the miraculous regeneration of once-denuded land
October 2022 Geographical crossword

October 2022 Geographical crossword

ByGeographical StaffOct 1, 2022
The first correctly completed crossword selected at random wins a hardback copy of the comprehensive Philip’s Essential World Atlas worth £25
Ancient Britain revealed through stunning aerial photography

Ancient Britain revealed through stunning aerial photography

ByGeographical StaffSep 30, 2022
Photographer David Abram takes to the skies to capture the gasping beauty of ancient sites in Britain in his new book, Aerial Atlas of Ancient Britain
Drought reveals the Lake District’s flooded village of Mardale Green

Drought reveals the Lake District’s flooded village of Mardale Green

ByRory WalshSep 29, 2022
After Britain's driest summer for decades revealed long-forgotten objects and buildings, Rory Walsh looks for the 'Lake District Atlantis'
The remarkable life of Afghan activist and former mayor Zarifa Ghafari

The remarkable life of Afghan activist and former mayor Zarifa Ghafari

Afghan activist, politician and Taliban critic Zarifa Ghafari tells the inspiring story of her life in Afghanistan and subsequent escape in August 2021, in her book Zarifa, written with Hannah Lucinda Smith
A collision course with space junk

A collision course with space junk

As more and more satellites are launched, small bits of space junk are risking future operations essential for monitoring Earth
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