There are lots of different options when it comes to studying geography. Physical, human and environmental geography are just the starting categories, with a whole new range of fields bringing their own degrees as our understanding of science and nature evolve. Here’s Geographical’s guide to the choosing what’s right for you.

Climate change degree courses
A list of all UK universities offering degrees in climate change

Environmental Science degree courses
Environmental science is a broad subject area, incorporating aspects of both physical geography and human geography. Here’s our pick of some of the best courses in a rapidly growing subject choice

Physical Geography degree courses
Following on from our pick of the best human geography degree courses, here’s our selection for the other side of the subject: physical geography

Human Geography degree courses
If it’s the human side of geography that interests you, this list will give you a selection of some of the best human geography courses available. We’ve accommodated a range of different entry requirements and course structures, to help you choose what’s best for you.