Book Reviews

Migrating bar-tailed godwits are capable of flying staggering distances

Review: Flight Paths by Rebecca Heisman

ByChris FitchJul 25, 2023
Rebecca Heisman presents an engaging and unashamedly focused book on the intricate science behind migratory bird tracking
A stone and wood cabin next to a lake in the Scottish Highlands

Review: The way of the hermit by Ken Smith

Ken Smith explores the role of hermits in past societies and gives his practical advice, gathered from his experiences, on how to live off the land
Summer reading: the best books of 2023

Summer reading: the best books of 2023

ByGeographical StaffJul 18, 2023
Our 2023 summer reading list will transport you around the globe with tales of remarkable journeys, culture, history and geopolitics.
The Bou Craa phosphate mine in Western Sahara, home to the world’s longest conveyor belt

Review: Around the world in 80 ways by Stephen Webb

ByMark RoweJul 17, 2023
Stephen Webb boldly challenges our perceptions and explores the world through maps and data
Valley of the Fallen, Madrid, Franco’s burial place from his death in 1975 until his exhumation in 2019

Review: Spain, The Trials and Triumphs of a Modern European Country

Michael Reid tells an illuminating account of Spain's contemporary history, and what distinguishes it from it's European neighbours
wildlife author, photographer and conservationist Paul Sterry

Writers reads – Paul Sterry

ByGeographical StaffJul 8, 2023
Wildlife author, photographer and conservationist Paul Sterry selects from his library some of his favourite and formative reads
A Romani family

Review: Europe and the Roma by Klaus-Michael Bogdal

ByJules StewartJul 7, 2023
Klaus-Michael Bogdal explains the fascination and fear of the Romani presence in Europe and asks what has lead to this hatred over six centuries
A man plants a tree in the ground

Review: Tree Stories by Stefano Mancuso

Italian neurobiologist Stefano Mancuso enthusiastically examines the relationship between plants and humans
A hedgehog on a tombstone with the biodiversity gardener book cover

Review: The Biodiversity Gardener by Paul Sterry

From a project to put his garden wildlife first, comes Paul Sterry’s love letter and comprehensive guide to biodiversity gardening…

Earth from space

Review: The Future of Geography by Tim Marshall

ByBryony CottamJun 16, 2023
Tim Marshall's latest analysis of international relations is an insightful and humorous look at geopolitics in space, but it isn't without caution on what could happen
Digital image of the landforms beneath Antarctica’s ice

Review – The Land Beneath the Ice

David Drewry reccounts his radar mapping expeditions of Antartica in meticulous detail
Sea bean against dark background with book cover

Review: Sea Bean by Sally Huband

In this bright and blustering book, Sally Huband reminds us of the wonder of the sea and her quest to find a 'magic' sea bean
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