Marine wildlife

Saltmarsh Essex

Protection of saltmarshes vital for climate change mitigation

ByStuart ButlerMay 22, 2024
A new study highlights the importance of the UK's saltmarshes in mitigating the impacts of climate change.
The Institute of Marine Research’s RV Kronprins Haakon sailing in icy Arctic waters

Expedition searching for new species in Arctic Ocean

ByStuart ButlerMay 20, 2024
An expedition has set out to search for new species living in little explored deep water vents in the frigid Arctic Ocean.
Documenting the marine animal forest discovered in the waters of Svalbard

Diving into the twilight zone

ByBryony CottamJun 12, 2023
Scientists are searching the ocean floor for strange new deep-sea forests, hoping to safeguard them before it’s too late
A juvenile shore crab perched on eelgrass

Protecting Orkney Islands seagrass

The seagrass meadows of the Orkney Islands are some of the healthiest in the UK, supporting an abundant and vital diversity of marine life 
A hawksbill turtle glides over one of Wakatobi’s pristine coral reefs

The business of conservation: Wakatobi Dive Resort

Lorenz Mäder, founder of Wakatobi Dive Resort, outlines his vision for how to create and sustain a successful tourist venture that protects the ocean
Douglas David Seifert on a lifetime of underwater photography

Douglas David Seifert on a lifetime of underwater photography

ByKatie BurtonJun 17, 2022
Underwater photographer Douglas David Seifert observes the underwater world and captures the wonders of the waves
Conservation success for green turtles in Seychelles

Conservation success for green turtles in Seychelles

ByGeographical StaffMay 16, 2022
Strict conservation measures in the Seychelles have allowed over-fished and endangered green turtles to recover
Ocean blooms: tracking the rise of jellyfish swarms

Ocean blooms: tracking the rise of jellyfish swarms

ByKatie BurtonOct 18, 2019
Many scientists believe that jellyfish numbers are increasing, pointing to their climate resilience and the rise in jellyfish blooms.