How to Save our Wildlife
How to sustain ecological balance, conserve biological diversity and restore natural beauty
Get Geographical’s Wildlife Special Edition
Geographical Magazine’s 60-page Wildlife Special Edition is an indispensable read for anyone
concerned about wildlife conservation and how to maintain biodiversity, sustain ecosystems,
and ensure the survival of species for future generations
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Inside this edition:
- Safe haven for giraffes in Chad
- How to save New York’s migrating birds
- Is the boom in nature-based travel putting too much pressure on nature itself?
- Safeguarding the condors in Ecuador
- The most iconic species we love to photograph
Topics include:
- The impact of mass tourism
- Conservation awareness
- Ethical practices
- Environmental impact
- Pollution
On the Wild Side
How to make informed decisions and contribute positively to the sustainability of our natural world

Explore the big issues
Sustainability, biodiversity, climate, migration
Your trusted source
Authoritative geographical and environmental journalism
Founded in 1935
The official magazine of the Royal Geographical Society